yes, I've tried everywhere
DBX Error: Error Code: 3604
MSSQL has a 3604 error on an Insert with a duplicate key, BUT I am using a
SELECT cds_card.CardNumber, cds_card.Player_ID as PLACCN,
cds_player.LastName as PLLNAME, cds_player.FirstName as PLFNAME,
tiered_rank_player.Rank_ID as PLLEVEL, tiered_rank_player.Template_ID FROM
(cds_card INNER JOIN cds_player ON cds_card.Player_ID =
cds_player.Player_ID) INNER JOIN tiered_rank_player ON cds_player.Player_ID
= tiered_rank_player.Player_ID WHERE ((cds_card.CardNumber= 'A505002452') )
AND ((tiered_rank_player.Template_ID)>0))
Post by Dwight CreveltWhat is a DBX error 3604
I get this from a sqlquery execution
D2007, MSSQL
I can't find a list of DBX error codes anywhere
What is the complete text of the error message?
Did you Google for the complete text of the error message?
Bill Todd (TeamB)