Connection rejected migrating from D7 to D2007
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Pekka Paunio
2008-05-25 08:03:46 UTC
I'm migrating an application from D7 to D2007 and we have a problem
connecting to the database in D2007.

The error message I get is:

2.2 Address : 0C2FDF7D
2.3 Module Name : DbxCommonDriver100.bpl - (DBXCommonDriver Package)
2.4 Module Version: 11.0.2902.10471
2.5 Type : TDBXError
2.6 Message : connection rejected by remote interface.
2.7 ID : F16A

Th D7 environment is XP and D2007 is Vista. Database is remote Firebird
and the driver under vista is the interbase one that came with D2007
installation DVD.

I installed EMS Lite and it connects flawlessly.

Bill Todd [TeamB]
2008-05-25 14:24:49 UTC
The InterBase driver is not tested against and does not support
Firebird. There have been other reports of the IB driver not working
with FB 2.1.
Bill Todd (TeamB)
Pekka Paunio
2008-05-25 18:00:52 UTC
I tried Local Interbase - it worked.
I tried remote Interbase - same error as with remote Firebird
Downloaded Core Lab IB Drivers and tried to connect remote FB - same error.

Post by Bill Todd [TeamB]
The InterBase driver is not tested against and does not support
Firebird. There have been other reports of the IB driver not working
with FB 2.1.
Bill Todd (TeamB)
Bill Todd [TeamB]
2008-05-25 18:23:33 UTC
Can you connect to the remote InterBase server using the isql command
line utility? If not, post the error message and the command you used
to try to connect.
Bill Todd (TeamB)
Pekka Paunio
2008-05-25 20:04:30 UTC
Post by Bill Todd [TeamB]
Can you connect to the remote InterBase server using the isql command
line utility? If not, post the error message and the command you used
to try to connect.
It gives following message:

SQL> connect\db\PCS\PCS_02.GDB user 'sysdba' password

Statement failed, SQLCODE = -923

connection rejected by remote interface
Bill Todd [TeamB]
2008-05-25 23:40:20 UTC
Make sure that port 3050 (or whatever port you are using) is open
throught the firewall on the server. If that does not work go through
the connection troubleshooting section starting on page 4-10 of the
Operations Guide. Once you can connect with isql you should be able to
connect with dbExpress.
Bill Todd (TeamB)
Pekka Paunio
2008-05-28 10:50:13 UTC
Post by Bill Todd [TeamB]
Make sure that port 3050 (or whatever port you are using) is open
throught the firewall on the server. If that does not work go through
the connection troubleshooting section starting on page 4-10 of the
Operations Guide. Once you can connect with isql you should be able to
connect with dbExpress.
I was able to correct the problem by replacing the gds32.dll that came
with D2007 installation dvd with an older one.

Bill Todd [TeamB]
2008-05-28 14:09:38 UTC
Post by Pekka Paunio
I was able to correct the problem by replacing the gds32.dll that
came with D2007 installation dvd with an older one.
The version number of ibserver.exe and gds32.dll should match exactly.
Bill Todd (TeamB)