Changing Net Dir...followup
(too old to reply)
Greg Madison, MS
2008-05-09 12:45:27 UTC
I would like to thank Bill Todd for his response to my initial Net Dir
question. I've also tried to get help from the borland.public.dbe newsgroup
as recomended by Bill but there are really not responses from anyone there.

I've followed the example found at

and when I run the:

edit1.text:= GetConfigParameter(PARADOXNETDIR, @Count);

my edit1.text does in fact read C:\Users\Public (which is the directory I
manually set my Net Dir to on my Vista computer)

I then have another button that evokes the set function. Here I pass in the


When this line executes, I get an error that says 'Cannot Find Engine
Configuration File'

When I click on the OK button for the error box and then click my initial
button to GetConfigParameter, edit1.text will now say C:\test but there is
not a PDOXUSRS.NET file in the C:\test directory like I would expect. When
I exit the program and re-run the GetConfigParameter routine, I'm back to
C:\Users\Public, indicating no permanent change was made to the Net Dir.
This is confirmed if I run DBE Administrator and look at the Net Dir

Anyone with an idea why I get the 'Cannot Find Engine Configuration File'
error and why the Net Dir change is not permanent? I feel I'm close to a
solution so thanks again for your help.

Bill Todd [TeamB]
2008-05-09 15:00:15 UTC
Your message appears to be a followup to another post, however, you
started a new thread instead of replying to the original post so there
is no way for anyone to find the original message. Without the original
message the followup message does not make much sense.

This topic belongs in borland.public.bde. It has nothing to do with
dbExpress. Please post in the appropriate newsgroup and someone will
try to help you.
Bill Todd (TeamB)
Bill Todd [TeamB]
2008-05-09 15:04:36 UTC
I should add that very very few people write BDE API code and most of
them have disappeared from the newsgroups during the eight years since
Borland stopped development of the BDE. There is not much chance that
you will find someone who can help you and the odds go down when you
post in a newsgroup whose topic is not the BDE.
Bill Todd (TeamB)